L’Ente Parco nazionale della Sila, insieme alla Direzione Generale per la Protezione della Natura e del Mare del Ministero dell’Ambiente, all’ Ufficio Regionale Unesco di Venezia ed agli Enti Parco nazionali delle Dolomiti Bellunesi, dell’Appennino Tosco – Emiliano e del Circeo, promuove la rete dei siti Unesco in Italia nell’ambito di Expo’ con un particolare riferimento ai siti patrimonio Mondiale ed alle Riserve della Biosfera. A questo scopo sabato 20 giugno, a Milano, nell’area tematica Biodiversity Park  è previsto un evento che vedrà coinvolto il Parco della Sila e i siti naturalistici italiani e stranieri che fanno parte delle reti Unesco sul tema del rapporto uomo-cibo-ambiente. L’evento avrà inizio alle 14:30 presso il Teatro “Centro della terra” ed a presentare il Parco nazionale silano e la Riserva della Biosfera della Sila sarà il Commissario Straordinario dell’ Ente Parco, Sonia Ferrari, seguito poi dai Rappresentanti della Riserva della Biosfera spagnola di Urdaibai, le cui caratteristiche sono molto simili a quelle che identificano la Riserva della Biosfera della Sila.  



Saturday, 20th June 2015


(TEATRO “CENTRO DELLA TERRA” – Biodiversity Park – Milano – EXPO 2015)


Ore 15.30            Registration of partecipants


Ore 16.00            Introduction

                                               Secretary of MaBProgramme UNESCO

                                               MATTM – PNM



Ore 16.20            Unique landscapes

Italy: the Dolomites limestone landscape

Agrarian culture provides high-quality produce through organic and environmentally friendly farming in this area shaped by erosion and glaciation.

Switzerland: Lavaux Vineyard Terraces

On the shores of Lake Geneva, the tradition of making wine from hand-picked grapes on these 11th century terraces continues to this day


Ore 16.35            Vulnerable Landscape

Italy: Circeo

A plain forest located on a series of continental dunes, three coastal lakes, marshy areas and the calcareous massif of Mount Circeo as well as agriculture fields and pastures.

                               Korea: Jeju Island’s Batdam agricultural system

A 22,000km-long stone fence helped the island’s agriculture flourish a thousand years, but it now faces challenges from modern farming and urbanization.


Ore 16.50            River deltas

Italy: Po Delta

Communities and authorities protect biodiversity against competing needs of fishing, fish farming, agriculture and thermal energy generation

Romania/Ukraine: Danube delta

Europe’s largest wetland and water purification system sustains the livelihoods of many peoples through fishing, hunting, reed harvesting, agriculture and tourism.




Ore 17.05            Costs and wetlands

Italy: Selva Pisana        

A rich biodiversity comprising natural and semi-natural plains habitats, including dunes, wetlands, mesophytic woodlands and pinewoods, and agricultural zones with hedges

France: The Camargue

Communities and authorities manage the flooding that allows rice and wheat growing and protects the biodiversity of saline and freshwater wetlands.


Ore 17.20            Cross-border co-operation

Italy/France: Mont-Viso and Queyras

Sustainable energy, responsible tourism and local production are central to creating a sustainable future for this cross-border rural area.


Ore 17.35            Ecosystems: nature’s network for life

                               Italy: Sila

Uplands containing the main mountains of the Sila form a magnificent and mature erosion surface, from which the main rivers of the region descend.

Spain: Urdaibai

A hydrographic basin that ends creating a great salt marsh and a coastal landscape with high sheer cliffs and capes and a countryside occupied by meadow land, oak groves, leafy woods and specially by fast-growing conifers.


Ore 17.50            Survivals of partecipatory traditional practices and methods

Italy: Tosco emiliano Appennine

A stretch of ridge that marks the geographical and climate boundary between continental and mediterranean Europe and a rural life still specific and rich.

Portugal: Alto Douro Wine Region

Since the 18th century, Alto Douro region main product, port wine, has been world famous for its quality. This long tradition of viticulture has produced a cultural landscape of outstanding beauty that reflects its technological, social and economic evolution.


Ore 18.05            Rural development

Italy: Ticino Valley

A ‘riverscape’ biosphere reserve along the Ticino River: an important ecological corridor within the urbanized and industrialized Po plain.  

                               Austria: Wienerwald

Free range cattle breeding, local produce and public education are addressing a farming decline and urban spread that threaten biodiversity.


Ore 18.20            Custodians of biodiversity

Italy: Alpi Ledrensi e Judicaria

Between Dolomite WHS and the Lake Garda, the site is representative of the southern slopes of the central-eastern Alps, comprising different habitats alternating with traditional crops. 

                               Slovinja: Karst/ Škocjanske Jamesi

Well known for its outstanding natural features, geological and hydrological peculiarities, encompasses the flysch surface with the catchment area of The Reka River.