The Water and Energy Museum Visitor Center is located in Trepidò, in the municipality of Cotronei. It was born thanks to the intervention of an area environmental redevelopment and to the renovation of an old building owned by the Municipality of Cotronei, granted on loan for use to the Park Authority. In the new Museum, the topics treated offer visitors, through the use of multimedia and interactive technology, an overview of the Park countries, flora and fauna of its protected areas, artisanal and enogastronomic products, its water resources - lakes and rivers - and finally the use of renewable energy sources (photovoltaic, solar - thermal, biomass).
The museum's overview concludes with an in-depth analysis of the multiple use of water and in particular the hydroelectric use of lakes. In this context, about two kilometers away from this new Visitor Center there is the Lake Ampollino dike in its environmental beauty and visual grandeur.

Cotronei (KR) loc. Trepidò, Museum of Water and Energy
Latitude: 39.159121
Longitude: 16,777,938
opening hours:
From July to August open every day, except Monday, 9:30 am to 5:00 pm
From October to June only open by reservation