It's not easy to explain as to benefit of details, of perfumes, of colors and of shades of uncontaminated Sila's National Park nature.
It's for this raison that the visitor centres are been realized, they are ideal doors for to guide your visit in the park.In those one there are structures where is possible to have useful informations for the discovery of protected area, where give to visitors all the necessary informations and to educate them to a corrects use of natural environment.They are green museums in big natural landscapes, in which, among other things, thematic stories are developed that highlight aspects of the park, where are located suitable structures for the organization of conferences and other cultural events, where is possible to find publications and brochures, buy gadgets, receive information, book accompanying services for excursions and anything else you need.

We are proud to state that our Visitor Centers situated in the Park are certainly among the most important, extensive and complete Visitor Centers in Italy, built at the time of the historic National Park of Calabria, on territories managed by the Old State Forests Company. Now they fall into the Sila National Park. They are visited every year by hundreds of thousands of visitors, not counting the numerous school children who come from the central-southern regions in the Park for naturalistic, forest and environmental education.

They are very precious jewels that the Park can boast of, which it intends to preserve and improve in order to make its many peculiarities evident and visible, and to favor a convenient approach of visitors to beautiful natural environments. Two are the most complete centers, "Cupone" on Lake Cecita, near Camigliatello Silano (CS), and "A.Garcea" adjacent to the Villaggio Mancuso, in the locality "Monaco" of the municipality of Taverna (CZ).

The Visitor Centers aim to train, inform and educate to respect the natural, environmental, social and economic resources of the Sila territory through the structures and spaces set up by the Carabinieri Department for the Biodiversity, which are largely accessible and usable also by people with disabilities, elderly and children.

In the visitor centre museum of water and energy, to Cotronei (KR), loc. Trepido, the debated topics offer to visitors, with the use of a multimedia and interactive tecnology, a panning shot of the town of the park, of flora and fauna of the protected area, of the handmade products and enogastronomic, of their water properties - lakes and rivers - and finally the use of sources of renewable energy (photovoltaic, solar-thermal, biomass).

Among the most important structures in the Visitor Centers we mention: heliports, congress halls, thematic museums, centers for naturalistic, forest, environmental education, libraries, green theaters, green classrooms, Silan biodiversity nurseries, forest culture gardens, thematic trails can also be used by the weaker groups, villages of the ancient Sila, centers for the setting and diffusion of the wolf, deer, roe deer, eagle owls, demonstration and didactic centers for deer, etc ...

Foto Museo Centro Visita Cupone