Inside the park there are nine biogenetic natural reserves.

Among them, stand out "The Giants of Fallistro", 50 colossal pine trees and 5 of mountain maple aged over 500 years, and the "Goliath-Crow" reserve, area of diffusion and setting of deers, where about 150 specimens of them live.

The other biogenetic natural state reserves are: "Gallopane", "Tasso-Camigliatello", "Poverella-Village Mancuso", "Coturelle-Piccione", "Gariglione-Pisarello", "Sea Stain-S. Salvatore", "Thirty Coasts", all set up by the 13 July 1977 decree of the Minister for Agriculture and Forestry.

The Institution of the Park is entrusted to the aforementioned reserves.

foto riserve naturali