automobile  By car  

The central position of the National Park of Sila compared to the regional morphology makes it easy to reach by car:

    • from the Ionian area, along the E846/S.S.107 or, along the internal ways, the S.S.177;
    • from the Tyrrhenian area, thanks always to the E846/S.S.107, or along the scenic SP244, SP216 or the S.S. 108bis and S.S.660.

With its exits of Cosenza, Rogliano, Altilia Grimaldi and more southern Lamezia Terme, the highway "A2" represents the primary road axis on which to direct your choice, if you reach from farther.

The S.S.107 E846/S.S.107 silano-crotonese passes just inside the district of the park and is ideally equidistant whether from the Greek, or the Big or the Small Sila. The S.S.109 unfolds the traveller to new horizons, enclosing all the southern extremity of the park, while the S.P.20 and the S.S.179dir allows of enter themselves deeply inside the protected area.

treno  By train  

The Italian railways offer a diversified range of choices to reach the Park by train. The stations of Paola, Lamezia Terme, Catanzaro and Crotone are the main ganglia from which then you can leave for Sila, by car.

bus  By bus  

The bus line, private or managed by the Railways of Calabria, represents a good alternative to complete the journey to the chosen destinations. In summertime, both from the Ionian and the Tyrrhenian coasts, several races climb towards the Sila.

aero  By plane  

If you choose the plane in less than two hours from Milan and Turin, and even less from Rome and Bologna, direct flights reach the nearest airport to Sila, that of Lamezia Terme.
Also the airport of Crotone represents a valid opportunity.