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To protect the Sila National Park’s nature and territory, one of the best strategies is to spread knowledge. In this perspective we maintain a vast series of publications, in continuous expansion, that cover the many different aspects of our protected area. Flora, fauna, but also landscapes, history, culture and, why not, food and wine traditions are among the covered topics.


1. The Sila National Park. Nature history culture - AA. VV.- Prometheus Editions

Various authors who treat, in a harmonious way, different contents: it is a meticulous cultural compendium that concerns nature, history and culture, undeniable patrimony of the territory of the National Park of Sila.



2. The Otter in the Sila National Park – Manlio Marcelli, Romina Fusillo - Editions Sila’s National Park Institute

It is the account of a wildlife research project implemented in the park, which had a happy outcome, of considerable scientific and environmental interest: it tells of the first objective verification of the presence of the otter in the park.



3. The way of the pitch - The ancient art of resination in the forests of the National Park of Sila - Francesco Cosco - Editions Sila’s National Park Institute

Prof. Cosco presents the processing of pitch bruzia both in its historical and anthropological aspects.



4. Up there in the Park. In the southeast Park social realities. – Francesco Cosco - Editions Sila’s National Park Institute

The author highlights the importance of the environment preservation and the fundamental role of the Park Institute in the reconstitution of the wood and its essences - fir, beech, pine - and in the harmonic relationship and interaction between man and nature. It is a text of knowledge and diffusion, for a full enjoyment of the Park natural heritage.



5. Guests in the Park - Anna Cerra, Maria Faragasso, Francesca Mazzei, Isabella Perri, Fatima Tunnera - Editions Sila’s National Park Institute

Historical - Artistic Guide aiming at the appreciation, enhancement and promotion of the elements of the historical - artistic patrimony of the individual municipalities of the Park.



6. Guide to the recognition of trees, shrubs, bushes and lianas of the National Park of Sila - Giuseppe Caruso with the collaboration of Marina Fichera – Editions Sila’s National Park Institute

The book introduces the visitor to the knowledge of the plants in Sila and their main characteristics with one hundred botanical cards.



7. The spontaneous orchids in the Sila National Park – Liliana Bernardo, Antonio Contin – Editions Sila’s National Park Institute

It is a volume full of color photos that depict the spontaneous orchids of the Sila. Of each species is given the scientific name, the Italian one and a detailed morphological and ecological description. About 40 entities and even the rarest orchids are illustrated.



8. The mushrooms of the Sila National Park – Sila’s Mycological Naturalistic Group – Editions Sila’s National Park Institute

It is an accurate and rich work on the species of mushrooms present in the Park territory, with tabs on the mushrooms morphology, information on the legislation about this subject, notes and curiosities on the poisonous mushrooms, mycological cards and information on mushrooms and feeding.



9. Techniques of Naturalistic Engineering in plumbing interventions - forestry - Editions Sila’s National Park Institute

In this book you can find some of the most significant works of naturalistic engineering usable in valuable areas, such as in the Park, and highlighted is the attention to be placed in the design and execution of these works.



10. In the footsteps of Monasticism in the Sila National Park territory – Francesco Cosco - Editions Sila’s National Park Institute

It is the volume in which Prof. Cosco illustrates the phenomenon of Monasticism in the Park territory, starting from spiritual values to the territory development among Basilian, Benedictines, Cistercians and Florets.



11. The hydroelectric plants in Sila – Giancarlo Principato – Editions Sila’s National Park Institute

The book, edited by Prof. Giancarlo Principato, illustrates the characteristics of the reservoirs that have been realized since the ‘20s in the area of the Sila National Park and that represent a hydroelectric pole among the most important in Italy as well as an excellence at a touristic and environmental level. The Author, after having recalled the phases that led to the realization of the hydroelectric plants in Sila, passes to the accurate description of the individual hydroelectric systems, illustrating the technical characteristics of the dams, the relative reservoirs and the production plants. The descriptions of the works are accompanied by photographic illustrations of the current state and, where it was possible, even by historical photos concerning the stages of realization.



12. The Mediterranean diet scales between environmental sustainability and green economy





13. The Gariglione forest





14. The beetles of the Sila National Park





15. In Sila by train





16. It was the pig era. The original recipes of Sila’s ancient cuisine (with customs and curiosities) – Marisa Grasso – Editions Sila’s National Park Institute




17. The Sila National Park: the Park at the centre of the Mediterranean - Editions L’Orbicolare





18. The patriarchan tells – Michele Laudati – Leading editorial coordination





19. Sila Sovereign Gift – Tony Atheron, Paola Binante, Francesco Granelli, Antonio Manta, Paolo Pagni, Pietro Vallone – Polyorama Edizioni srl




20. Silotto De Silva – The Valley of enchanted music - Calabria Literary Publishing





21. Miniguida al Parco nazionale della Sila





22.Miniguide to the Sila National Park





23. Parco Nazionale della Sila – Il Parco nel centro del Mediterraneo